"Are you pregnant?": A strange dress Rudkovskaya caused a stir in the network.


45-year-old producer Yana Rudkovskaya, which every new publication seeks to make his instagram account only as a painful, decided to experiment. On the eve, she published a video shot in the most familiar to many Russians the courtyard of high-rise buildings with the entrance door with the irradiated paint. Apparently, Rudkovskaya was amazed that in modern realities at home they may look in this way, so she decided to show the signatures "Dick."

"He arrived on a birthday to his friend, and here such an authentic podahenka, as in childhood in Soviet times. I could not pass by, I decided to capture, "the star adopted.

For some reason, the fans did not surprise the view of the facade of the building at all, but the tagged tummy caused interest. He was emphasized a multicolored dress with bulk sleeves, which was so covered with a star figure that her subscribers had questions.

"And Yana is not pregnant?" - began to emit folloviers.

"Dress - trouble!" - suggested others.

Many came to the conclusion that "pregnant shapes" - just the result of an eaten piece of cake and an unsuccessful choice of outfit. Despite the opinion of critics, the fans of Yana Rudkovskaya Rada, any of its expression in clothing. Of course, they will receive no less pleasure if it turns out that the spouse of the figure of Eugene Plushenko is still pregnant.

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