Scientists stated that the princesses disney harm the psyche of children


Of course, this formulation sounds too loud. In fact, the University of Psychologists has established that princesses from Disney cartoons make children more susceptible to gender stereotypes. Especially "harmful" fabulous heroines for boys - psychologists noted that constant interaction with Disney princesses leads to the fact that the kids are formed too soft, "not male" behavior.

As part of the experiment, psychologists proposed to play with favorite toys of 198 children of preschool age of both sexes. Among these toys both for girls and boys were the dolls of Disney Princesses. The authors of the study also conducted a survey among parents and teachers about which cartoons prefer children.

The results of the experiment were unexpected: 87% of preschool boys like to watch cartoons with Disney princesses and play the princess dolls. At the same time, the children who participated in the experiment could calmly choose others, more traditional toys for boys - for example, machines or designers, but in the end the vast majority chose the dolls!

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