Clint Eastwood and Stephen Grandry will compete for Oscar


The film of Istoda, dedicated to the founder of the FBI Edgar Giver, will appear on large screens on November 9. Leonardo DiCaprio will reincarnate the director of the Federal Bureau of the Investigation, the star of the "social network" by Ermy Hammer will play Clyde Tsonsson, Protege and a close friend of Hoover. In addition, the picture will appear ED Westik, Naomi Watts, Judy Dench, Josh Lucas and others.

The release of the new Drama Duddrey ("Readers", "Clock") is scheduled for December 25th. In the adaptation of the novel, Jonathan Fueur "Terribly loud and expectively close" the main roles will be performed by Sandra Bullock and Tom Hanks. In the center of the plot will be a 9-year-old boy who finds a key in a vase that belonged to his father who was dead during the September 11 terrorist attack. Now the main goal of a small hero will find the castle to which the key is suitable. It is noteworthy that the adapted scenario for drama was written by Eric Roth, who received Oscar for "Forrest Gump".

It is worth noting that the choice of time the Premier is not accidental, according to statistics, the films shown immediately before drawing up the list of applicants, more often won in the main nomination.

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