Michael Bay became a victim of gangsters in Hong Kong


The incident occurred in Hong Kong. Two entrepreneurs brothers were not satisfied with the fact that there are shooting next to their trading point. They demanded a compensation in the amount of 13 thousand dollars. When the director refused to pay the angry Hong Kongs, they attacked him. In the fight, not only the director himself was injured, but also several arrived by the police.

Fortunately, it cost without serious injury. This is what Bay himself told about what happened: "Yes, a couple of rolled guys, a couple of hours took my team in the morning during the first shooting day in Hong Kong. One guy pushed metal carts on the actors and tried to unwind out of us not one thousand dollars in exchange for not to include music at full volume and not to throw bricks into us. He was explained that all owners of local shops had already paid compensation for possible inconvenience, but this guy demanded four times more. Then I personally told him to and not dream of extorting money from us. He did not like such a statement. And an hour later he came to the pad, holding a long air conditioner in his hands. He moved right on me and tried to hit the face. But I was sure to drop the air conditioner and pushed the guy. At that moment, the guard appeared. "

When in the end, the attackers arrested, Michael Bay and his film crew could return to work. "When everything is over, we spent an excellent shooting day in Hong Kong," the director assured.

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