Victoria Beckham told Business Of Fashion magazine about his success


However, Victoria admitted that "the most valuable part of fame is what you have a voice and people listen to you. I mean that I can achieve attention, and I do not have to rely on some advertising campaigns, "she said before adding that she didn't like to use the" Glory "card often.

But the path from the pop star to the designer was not simple. "Everyone said:" Well, it will never work, because the celebrity cannot create a line. I did not have any expectations. I did not wait that everything would be different. I did not prove anyone anyone, only myself. "

The designer said that no one perceived her in the beginning of the designer career seriously: "For a long time I was in my own kind, - Victoria admits. - At that time, everyone just laughed at what I was doing. It was then that I laid the foundation of who I am now. "

Victoria released her first collection of dresses for the Spring / Summer 2009 season. Two years later, bags and coats appeared in the collection. In 2011, she won the British Fashion Awards award in the "Designer of the Year" nomination, defeating Stella McCartney, Tom Ford and Burberry. There were rumors that the former singer whose choice of outfits ten years ago was difficult to call stylish, in fact, not herself creates outfits for the line. Beckham said about these accusations as follows: "I am ridiculous from the fact that people to this day are used to thinking that I have a slight refuge of the Elf designers. I did not install the fact that I have a project group. "

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