Kerry Washington in the magazine Allure. November 2014.


About bed scenes in the series "Scandal": "Remove them hard. In bed scenes you always feel awkward. You have to do things that you assumed to do only with certain people. And since the shooting partner is not your partner in real life, you feel awkward. And do it in the room, the full nation, is also very strange. "

About your relationship with a colleague on the series Tony Galdoon: "In such a show as our where everything is tied to chemistry between people, you study care. After all, real relationship is very important. I treat his wife with great respect and admiration, and he is experiencing the same feelings towards my family. "

On the love of his heroine Olivia Puppe to shoes: "Shoes are very important. Even at the "Scandal" rehearsals, I always ask me to bring me my shoes. I will stand in sports pants, T-shirt and sweatshirt, but in Christian Dior or Gucci shoes. I want to be able to go and stand at any time as Olivia. Gait says a lot about man. "

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