Mildred Baen About his Son from Arnold Schwarzenegger


"When Joseph Ros, I began to notice the similarity, but it became more obvious after time," she says. "I knew that Arnold was a father and, perhaps, Joseph, becoming older, began to resemble him even more, it was noticed by Arnold. But he did not say anything. "

Joseph, who is now 13 years old, when a year ago he learned that Arnold his father, he said only one word "cool!".

Middlered said that her son Joseph is looking forward to closest relationships with his biological father. The former housekeeper also told how Maria Shriver responded to this mystery. She became suspicious when heard heard among the service personnel.

"She said something like:" I'm here if you need to talk to me. " I felt something wrong. I love and respect Maria. Finally, she just asked me to focus. She was strong. She cried with me and told me so that I rose from my knees. We kept each other and I told her that it was not guilt of Arni, both sides are to blame. "

Despite the rupture of Arnold and Mary, Mildred says that it hopes that they will still come together. "He is a good man, and I know that he is very suffering. He loves Maria. I hope that over time they will come up. "

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