"Get the children's dishes": Larisa Guzeeva showed how the 20-year-old daughter treats "sincere leakage"


The famous actress and TV presenter Larisa Guzeyev recently shared with fans of the secrets of how to raise the mood of his rising child.

The leading program "Let's get married!" He took off the video in which he told what to do if a child had problems and difficulties in life. The secret was simple - it is necessary to return it again at that excellent time when worries were much smaller, in his own childhood. You can do it in a hard way: to prepare a favorite dish from childhood and allow watching cartoons. "When a child has a mental leak, I propose to return it a little in childhood. To cook, for example, a chicken broth with dumplings, allow you to watch the cartoon right at the table - and everything will be fine with him, "said Guzeyev.

It was exactly that a 61-year-old star mother was received - they cooked the boiling broth with lush skille for her 20-year-old daughter Olga Bukharova. In addition, Guzeyev added that for a larger effect, it is necessary to use children's dishes from which they ate at a time when they were still babies. Such a simple way to raise the mood, apparently, worked instantly, because at the end of the video it is clearly audible that the daughter of the actress quietly laughed and said that he had chosen to watch the cartoon about Shrek.

Relationships from Larisa Guzeeva and her younger child are very warm and gentle. She in the only daughter of the soul does not make up and applies every effort so that Olga is happy.

It is worth noting that the Guzeeva has a son, 28-year-old George, who was born in marriage with the editor of Khaha Tvatory.

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