How much pain in the view ": What Larisa Guzeyev looked 30 years ago


Larisa Guzeyev on his page in Instagram periodically pleases the fans with old pictures: as if from life or from the set. For one such frame, she accidentally stumbled upon the Internet. "The network brought a photo - I am 30 years here. I noticed: wherever I am not posing - my teeth are gritted ... I don't swim anything for just so. I still try not to relax today: Character is fate. Well, thanks to "teachers". All happiness! " - wrote in the social network the leading "Let's get married!".

Her subscribers paid attention to what a sad look at the girl, well, and, of course, on her divine beauty, which they never cease to admire. "The most beautiful. There is no equal to you to this day, "" real "," Beautiful woman. And wise "," Beauty at any age "," What a natural, delicious beauty "," terribly beautiful and frightening, warning in everything. Especially the burning eyes "," Sun ", - did not shake the epithets of fans.

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Мои любимые. Благодарю судьбу. Отработали. Отпуск. ??????????

Публикация от Larisa Guzeeva (@_larisa_guzeeva_)

Colleagues of Larisa were noted in the comments. "So much pain in the view, the incredible beauty of nobility. I look at this photo, and in me everything responds with millions of lights, "Ekaterina Volkov admitted.

Network users also paid attention to the similarity of the actress with the daughter of Olga. By the way, Guzeyev has already published a picture of 30 years ago. Often, Folloviers think that in the archive picture is not Larisa, but Olga.

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