"These are genes, Mom worked terrible things": Larisa Guseeva showed a smashed daughter's room


I am sure, it is better to allow to contempt wallpaper than the skin,

- signed a 60-year-old female shot. She justified her daughter by the fact that adolescents perceive everything more tragic and sharper. And asked for subscribers whether it is worth "standing on a child with a sledgehammer" and insist on their right.

Fans of Guisearee unexpectedly divided into two camps. Not everyone supported her tactics in her daughter's upbringing. "This is genes! Mom worked terrible things and was hiding behind her mother's back, "he wrote one of the follovers, reminding Larisa that she herself had repeatedly told about it in an interview.

"All this is from idleness and irresponsibility," "What is she a teenager? Nowadays, we have already had children at this age, "" You like a mother are ready to come up with any excuse for my daughter, "it's just furious with fat," indignant in the comments. However, loyal fans did not leave the Guzeyev in trouble. "Everything passes, and it will pass," "If it is tempered, then than God," yes it's just a creative disorder, "the readers supported under the frank post.

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