"This is you ku-ku!": Larisa Guzeyev insulted the unfamiliar woman on the transfer "Let's get married!"


The hero of the new release of the show 43-year-old Sergey told about the treason of Snezhana's wife, which was the cause of the divorce. The bridegroom complained to the leading transfer that after parting he lost two children and apartments. Later, the former wife insisted that Sergey refuses from parental rights. According to the Hero of the show, Snezhana continues to displays him with calls and jealousy. The former spouse calls not only to him, but also his mother, telling where Sergey saw with whom.

Larisa Guzeyev was so imbued with the problems of the Hero of the show, which did not hold the emotions against his former spouse.

She is just a fool! Snezhana, you're finished! Leave from Sergey. Did you plan soap? So handsome husband, it's you ku! We will find such a woman now, you will bite elbows

- Televant stated to the whole country.

In addition to Snezhani, Guzeyev addressed her new husband. The actress warned him that he could repeat the fate of Sergey.

Probably, you are not called something. She is ringing him and says such things! Sex on the phone - children's bow. She does not give him a new life to build,

- said Guzeyev.

The 60-year-old Larisa Guzeeva often does not restrain emotions during the shooting of the show "Let's get married!". Recently, the leading expressed tough criticism to one of the brides, which came to the bride-looking.

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