"We need to change the stylist": Agatha Fans Minky did not appreciate the photo in "Babushkin" sweater


Agatha McIesium published a joint photo with Austrian actor Wolfgang in the Austrian actor, which is currently participating in the "Ice Age" show. In his commentary, the actress asked the subscribers to the image of the subscribers, whether they support him in this project, and also joked about their appearance on GQ award.

Recall, on the red carpet, Agata came out in an unusual suit, consisting of a corset and trousers of free cut. The upper part of the clothes actresses was so short that she did not cover her slightly discovering belly, which caused rumors about possible pregnancy Muzzire. "And yes, friendship between a man and a woman exists, well, or he is the father of my new child, well, or still did not have to eat so much before GQ. The choice is for you, "suggested the actress to fans to determine what caused her unsuccessful image and the reason for conversations about the allegedly interesting situation.

Many fans noted that they also believe in friendship between a man and a woman, but if Agatu with Wolfgang connects something more, then they are only happy for them. As for her figure, the subscribers recommended the actress not to wear very short corsets and remove the "Babushkin" stretched sweater in which she photographed along with mobiles. "You have everything perfectly with the figure, you just need to change the stylist, well, or the advisers," simply not a very good outfit, and your figure is beautiful. In general, Agatha, you are beautiful, "says network users.

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