Results 2020 according to PopcornNews: the most criticized celebrity year


Amber Herd (for violence against Johnny Depp)

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The divorce of Ember and Johnny took place in 2017, but from the most time the proceedings of former spouses ceases - and only gains momentum. The "peak" of the confrontation occurred just 2020, when new details emerged in mutual claims - thanks to the British court. Depp sued the Tabloid The Sun, in whose article in 2018 it was mentioned that Depp raised his hand to his wife. The Daily Mail publication was able to get audio recordings on which Ember Herd admits that he hit his ex-spouse, and Wainon Ryder and Vanessa Paradi acted in his defense. Depp himself shared in court nearly unpleasant details about marriage with the Ember, but the court did not lose - and after a few days the work was lost.

Studio Warner Bros. He suggested the Depa "on his own" to give up role in the franchise "Fantastic creatures and where they live", the fans of the actor, the already annoyed, were finally accepted by this decision and even launched the petition with the request to dismiss and Ember Herd from Aquamena - her Already signed almost 2 million people.

Krissy Teygen (for the photo of miscarriage)

At the end of September, Krissy Teygen and John Ledgend survived a terrible tragedy, losing a child. Deeply sympathizing with a star couple, the fans were quite surprised by the fact that Chrissy decided to publish photos from the Chamber, where she was assisted with miscarriage. For the "excessive" revelation, Teygen condemned many, but the model itself is confident in its rightness and does not pay attention to the negative: "I survived it, I took photos, and they are intended to those who survived the same thing, and those who are interested to see, What is it. "

Her husband John Ledgend fully supported his spouse in this decision. He admits that he was worried about how it would be perceived by society, but later realized that "for Christi, it would be useful to share his story with people who are also suffering."

Megan Markle (for dirty underwear that emerged due to trial with tabloids)

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From the very beginning of Relations, Megan Plant and Prince Harry Tabloida were engaged in infinite smashing "dirty linen" of American actress - but all the search for spicy facts were not crowned with success; Megan and Harry managed to get married, leave the UK to the States, become parents - and the media is still without tired of discussing a star couple. Like Johnny Depp, Megan tried to fight this radical way - by the court, and, as in the case of Depp, there were many dirty details about the life of the actress in connection with the trial in public access. Megan has long been sued with the newspaper The Mail Online, who published her letters to his father, and accused the edition in the grass. The court, however, actress lost.

Joan Rowling (for Transgender)

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The creator of Harry Potter has always supported minorities (already after the release of all books, for example, declare the non-traditional orientation of Dumbledore or supporting the casting of the dark-skinned actress for the role of Hermione in the play "Harry Potter and a damned child"). However, this year, Rowling allowed himself a few careless comments in the address of Transgender, and caused such a wave of negative, that on social networks began to appear to "cancel" rowling as such. It all started with the fact that Rowling retVed an article in which the phrase "People with menstruation" was used (People Who Menstruate) - the writer did not like the fact that this turn was used in the article, and not the word "Women."

Rowling accused of disrespect and even in hatred for trans-people, to which the writer disclosed its views in more detail on the floor: "If there is no floor, there is no one-sex attraction. If there is no floor, the experience of women living this reality is erased. I know and love trans-people, but an attempt to wash the concept of the floor means to deprive many opportunities to discuss their lives. "

Twitter remembered the writer last year's tweet in support of Maya Forsteuter, dismissed due to "transfect" messages in social networks, Rowling tried to conduct a discussion with the Twitter audience - but in the end only poured oil into the fire, and ultimately even former colleagues (including Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint) disruled from the writer and her views on transgenderness.

Harry Stiles (for photos in dresses)

Virtually the very end of the year "noted" in the list of the main "scandalists" and Harry Stiles; Ex-participant of the One Direction group, now successfully building the solo career immediately and the singer, and the actor, Harry enjoyed the public with the fact that he starred in a photo shoot for Vogue - in dresses.

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It would seem that Stiles - not the first representative of the strong half of humanity, having tried out the dress, but for some reason he called the real "explosion" of indignation. Candace Owen activist announced that in the West "There is a steady feminization of our men" and called on to return the "courageous men" to the society - what Harry Stiles answered another photo session in women's clothing, this time - for Variety and Banana as requisite .

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