Results 2020 according to PopcornNews: Best new couple


Megan Fox and Kolson Baker

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Relations Megan and Kolson developed at exactly the same scenario that once the sensational novel of another star couple - Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt (of course, if you present a tattooed two-meter rapper on the place of Angie). The actress and the rap artist met at the end of 2019 on the filming of the film, "ran spark" between them, and, returning from the filming of home, Megan started with her husband, Brian Ostin Green, talking about parting. Almost a year, despite the accompanying loud divorce on the background, Megan and Kolson are still happy, constantly recognize each other in love in Instagram and are postponed joint photos - True, the actress because of this, the novel received so much negative that in the end was forced Close comments to your posts.

Ana de Armaas and Ben Affleck

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The very case when new relationships influenced the most miraculous way: it would seem, not so long ago, Ben Affleck, struggling and losing alcohol dependence, was forced to once again go to the rehabilitation clinic and refuse to role in the superhero blockbuster. And then the actor has a novel with a colleague on shooting in the thriller "Deep Waters" Anya de Armaas - and today Ben literally not to know. Affleck looks healthy, happy and truly in love, and his relationship with anna develop rapidly - the actor has already introduced it to his children from marriage with Jennifer Garner, and not so long ago it became known that Ben and Ana began to live together.

Timothy Shalam and Aisa Gonzalez

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At once, two beloved changed in 2020 Timothy Shalama; At the beginning of the year, he pleased the paparazzi hot kisses with the daughter of Vanessa Paradise and Johnny Depp, Actress Lily Rose Depp, and then suddenly "switched" to Eys Gonzalez. The novel and his spicy details (in particular, the fact that Eis is older than Timothy for six years) gave rise to a rapid discussion - the larger is hardly more than the relationship; Summer ended, and the novel of the Star Pair ended with him. "They broke up recently, but continue to stay in good relationships," the source said.

Florence Pugh and Zack Braff

One of the most unexpected novels of 2020 has become the relationship of the star of the series "Clinic" Zak Braff and actresses Florence Pugh, which next year we will finally see in the next superhero blockbuster Marvel "Black Widow". In fact, Zack and Florence became a couple back in 2019 (after the actress was shot in the short film Berff), however, it was in 2020 that the public attention was attracted - so much that I had to very categorically defend your relationship and the difference in age with the beloved. The fact is that Braff older than Florence for 21 years (actress is now 24 years old, and zaku is 45 years old), which, however, does not prevent in love with life to enjoy life. Now they live together in Los Angeles, occasionally publish in Instagram photos of each other and do not pay attention to the negative, simply closing comments to the posts.

Lisa Arzamasov and Ilya Averbukh

And one more couple, forced to cope with the infinite thread of criticism in its address due to the difference in age. For the first time about the novel of the 25-year-old star "Daddy's daughters" and a 46-year-old figure skateman spoke in July of this year, when Lisa and Ilya were found in one of the Moscow cafes. The stars did not deny the relationship of the stars, but also to disclose any details in a hurry, giving the public the opportunity to picked up and complicate the unexpected union - and only at the end of September Arzamasov and Averbukh together appeared on the air show Ivan Urgant.

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