Kirsten Dunst is in no hurry to lose weight after giving birth even for the sake of a huge fee


Not so long ago, Western publications reported to readers that the cult comedy of the 2000s "Yes of Success" is preparing for reboot. For repairs to the role of Trenz Shipman Kirsten Dunst promised $ 10 million, but she decided to think about this proposal. This was announced by an anonymous source of the Radar Online edition. "She has not yet lost weight, and for this film you need to be in perfect form. Kirstens could not tolerate the gym, she prefers to enjoy the lifeless life and the role of the mother, "said Insider. He clarified that the actress did not rejected the offer to play in the remake of the film, but did not agree. "To make her climb on a treadmill, you will need a lot of money," the source assured.

And although Kirsten Dunst has already struck the public in a great way on the Red Traffic Award "Emmy", the Agreement on shooting will mean for it a return to the hard schedule, long rehearsals and exhausting training. In this mode, the actress will remain not so much time to spend it with her son, so while the star does not want to destroy the family idyll.

Kirsten on Emmy in September last year:

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