Scarlett Johansson frankly told about the confusion on the red carpet


Superheroine in the cinema, in life Scarlett Johansson has to face unpleasant situations. The actress told about the confusion on the red carpet, who remembered her most. "Straight before I went out to the photographers, all my dress broke through the seam. And every time I went to the restroom, I had to take it, and then put on again. So that evening I didn't drink almost nothing, "Johansson admitted.

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The star also told how many bad tattoos saw in the fans of "Avengers", many of whom are similar in one detail: "For some reason, I always get more like Jeremy Renner more than Jeremy Renner, even more than he himself. I do not know why so. Maybe we are just very similar? "

During the interview, Scarlett asked who she would like to divide the screen kiss. "I would once again kissed Penelope Cruz," answered Johansson. The actresses were filmed together in the film Woody Allen "Vicky Christina Barcelona" in 2007.

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It was not without any questions about equal pay. According to Johansson, she had projects for which she paid more than male colleagues. "So it should be," the star concluded.

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