James Franco: "I never had sex with Lindsay Lohan"


In the recent radio interview, James directly stated that all rumors about his intrigue with Lindsay Lohan - fiction. "I swear anything that I have never had sex with Lindsay Lohan," says the actor. "The problem is that even if we dragged her here to the studio and ask her the question in the face ... she would say. I slept with me. I don't remember what? Well, okay. We may have been kissed. It was stupid. She seems to be hit. I am not upset because of this, but not proud of. " James admitted that Lindsay kissed many years ago in the hotel room. They both were young, and the actor was then "a good guy who is enough kiss." Lindsay was passionate about James and even once brought him to him in the middle of the night. "I can swear the life of your mother, which never slept with Lindsay, - continues to deny the star. - One could say that we were friends with her, but ... every time she appeared in my life, I tried to be cute , but everyone suddenly turned into some kind of nonsense. "

James told about the last meeting with Lindsay. About a year ago, she asked for a rehearsal of his students, where he behaved very rudely towards young artists and released evil comments. "Then I told her that she had to either silence, or leave, because we don't need her comments," the actor recalls. "She got angry and left. And we locked the door so that Lindsay would not returned to arrange the scene."

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