The final season of "Shamelessnniks" will be released in December


SHOWTIME channel announced that the eleventh and final season of the recognized dramedy series "Shameless" starts on the air December 6 this year. Initially, the premiere was scheduled for the summer, but due to the flashes of the coronavirus, the release had to postpone. Recall that the show began to go back in 2011, which makes it the longest project in the story of Showtime.

The final season of "Shamelessnniks" will directly intersect with reality, because in the upcoming series, the main characters will also have to survive in the conditions of the Pandemic COVID-19. In addition, the leading themes of the season will be the problem of changing generations and difficulties associated with social variables.

The final season of

Frank (William H. Macy) is questioning his moral principles, while Lip (Jeremy Allen White) is difficult to get used to the fact that it is now he is the head of the family. IEN (Cameron Monhans) and Mickey (Noel Fisher) are dealt with their marital duties, and Debbie (Emma Kinny) takes his personality, deciding to be a single mother. Kevin (Steve Houi) and Veronica (Sharola Hampton) think about their difficult life, while Karl (ITAN Katkoska), oddly enough, begins to work in law enforcement agencies.

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