All in an adult: Sexual scenes are expected in the TV series "Lord of the Rings"


At least the trilogy of Peter Jackson "The Lord of the Rings" and turned out to be very emotional, and in places even passionate, as a whole, the director did not do the director and the frames of the heroes and frames. But the coming show Amazon on Tolkien books can present a different look at this question.

Of course, fans from the very beginning it was interesting whether the creators of the show "Lord of the Rings" will be focused on the "game of the throne", which remains the best of all the adaptations of books, despite some shortcomings. In the cult series HBO, sexual scenes and nudity were ordinary, but the fans of Saga Tolkien are confident that adding such a job to the shielding of his works.

Nevertheless, the on the eve of's fanering site reported that Casting announcements began to appear in the network, which say that the actors must relate to the height. And if you remember that I recently hired an intimate scene coordinator for the Amazon's UAP project, it will be clear that there may be a serious sexual subtext in the show and truth. Last year it became known that UAP is the working name of the "Lord of the Rings", and it seems that serious additions are planned in the original plot, because Tolkien did not describe any intimate scenes in their books.

All in an adult: Sexual scenes are expected in the TV series

Of course, while we are talking about rumors, but if they are confirmed, viewers can get something very unusual. It is assumed that the "Lord of the Rings" will be released on Amazon next year.

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