Shooting "Medikov Chicago" stopped due to contamination coronavirus


Channel Chicago One managed to turn his popular TV series "Chicago on fire" in Media Phrancheshu, adding the series about doctors associated with him to the series about firefighters. And it is the "Chicago doctors" were the first, whose production resumed after quarantine. But the medical themes did not help. For the week, which passed from the resumption of shooting on September 22, on the set, two employees passed positive tests for coronavirus.

If in the first case, only an employee who passed a positive test was sent to Quarantine, then in the second production of the series was stopped for two weeks. According to the Deadline portal, this is due to the fact that the fellow employee for his role on the set contacted with a large number of people.


Stop shooting the series will not affect the shooting of related projects. "Chicago on fire" and "Police of Chicago" will begin to shoot on October 6. And if there are no new positive tests, it will not affect the date of the premiere. All three series must provide viewers their new seasons on November 11 of this year.

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