The star "Friends" condemned for playing lesbian


The modern film industry does not bother to LGBT characters, and examples of inclusiveness at least debug, but so, of course, it was not always. One of the first Sitters, in which lesbians were openly appeared, became "friends" - the first wife of Ross, Carol, decided to leave marriage and tie her life with another woman. And it turned out that this role was given by Jane Sibbett not easy.

The star

In a recent interview, Now To Love, the actress described in detail about how she was condemned for the role of lesbian. She explained that after the Carol began to play, he felt responsible for his character and faced criticism even from the closest people. Jane admitted that she had to resist "all people who said that it was wrong, including her own father," who was hard to see the daughter in such an image.

I felt that it should be extremely clear. Love is the most important thing from everything we can do for each other, this is the way we move forward. My most important responsibility was to make people know about it

- Sibbett said.

And yet Carol's relationship with Susan (Jessica Heht) was pretty smoothly, and even though NBC's leadership expecting hundreds of angry letters after the second season it turned out that heroines were married, the public response was not so strong. Sibbett herself is confident that she still managed to achieve his goal, showing that two women can make an equally harmonious couple than in traditional ideas.

The star

Carol and Susan just lived their lives and thanks to this became a source of inspiration for many viewers. And even though they were secondary characters of the show, their weighty contribution Sibbett and Hecht was definitely done.

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