From Greece to Egypt: Netflix will shields a series of books by the author "Percy Jackson"


Earlier this year, the writer Rick Riordan said that, according to his cycle, the "Percy Jackson and Olympians" novels will be created by the TV series for Disney +. All five books will be shielded, one season on the book. The writer himself and his wife Beks are going to personally take part in the work on the series.

Now, according to the writer, another series is preparing for his works. On his website, Riordan said that his other book cycle "Heirs of Gods" will be the series Netflix service:

We worked on this agreement from October last year, about the same time when the negotiations on Percy began. And I'm so glad that I can now report it. That's all I can say at the moment, but watch the updates on my site.

The events of the cycle "The heirs of the Gods" occur in the same world and at the same time as the "Percy Jackson and Olympians" cycle. But if Percy turns out to be a descendant of the ancient Greek god of Poseidon and is involved in adventures based on ancient Greek mythology, then the plot of "heirs of the Gods" is being built around ancient Egyptian mythology. The main characters, brother and sister Carter and Seydi Kane, learn that they are descendants of an ancient magical genus originating from Pharaohs of Narre and Ramses. And as a result, the Gods of Egypt Mountains and Isida live in their souls. And in their father - Osiris.

From Greece to Egypt: Netflix will shields a series of books by the author

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