Sarah Jessica Parker told Karry Bradshow to cope in a pandemic


Lonely girls and in the usual time lives not easy, and if the world overwhelms the pandemic of the virus unprecedented earlier, everything completely comes out due to control. The answer to the question, what then to do, Dala Sarah Jessica Parker, who played a frivolous, fastened in fashion Carrie Bradshow in the TV series "Sex in the Big City".

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Recently, the actress gave an interview with Entertainment Weekly and told Karry's time in self-insulation. It turned out that the heroine would certainly come to the oven sufficiency. Of course, any fan of the series knows that Carrie, in the oven, you can usually find the shoes only, but obviously, the exclusiveness of the circumstances would make it revise the views on the household.

She would be baked! I would be curious to look at it. I would have to spend a few minutes to find out who goes to the store. How do they come with masks? How serious are they relate to quarantine? I am sure that Big and Carri would take this seriously!

- Sarah noted. She also added that, whether her heroine was free, she would certainly find support for friends and could make sure the devotion of those who love.

But who knows?

- Philosophically summarized Parker.

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The actress herself spent time on Quarantine together with Matthew Broderik's husband and their three children, minimizing social contacts to a minimum. Sarah admitted that it was ready to "do everything to be among the people again."

If the masks became part of our life, let it be so

She noticed.

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