The animated series "Brothers Ventura" closed 17 years later


The Ventura Brother's TV series ADULT SWIM channel is officially closed after seven seasons. His creator Christopher McKalko published on Twitter confirming this post:

Unfortunately, this is true: "Ventura Brothers" are canceled. When we wrote what could be the eighth season, we got these disappointing news. We thank you, our wonderful fans, for 17 years of your long and patient attention. As always, we love you.

The animated series

Full James Urbanyak, who voiced Dr. Venitu, also posted a post on the completion of the series on Twitter.

So, as it should have ever had to happen, the series "Brothers Ventura" approached the end. The pilot series came out 17 years ago, and hence the show could soon get the right to vote. This project was one of the greatest gifts in my life and career. Simply put, he had the best fans. Thanks to everyone

- thanked the fans of Urbanyak.

The series told about the brilliant scientist to grow vectors, his sons-teenagers Deene and Hank, constantly sticking in different troubles, bodyguard of the family broom samsone, loving to kill, and numerous villains trying to get to the inventions to grow.

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