8 season of the series "Brooklyn 9-9" will be back on the air only in 2021


The schedule of the TV shows of the NBC channel for the fall of this year was published - and there was no place for the TV series "Brooklyn 9-9". And this series, and others suffered because of the coronavirus pandemic. TVline reports that the channel suffered a 2021 showing of the serials "Brooklyn 9-9", "Manifesto" and "New Amsterdam". The dates of the prime minister are not yet appointed.

Since the transition of the TV series from Fox to NBC at the beginning of the sixth season "Brooklyn 9-9" was constantly in the leaders of the humorous content of the canal. Until the latter, it was expected that the eighth season could reach this fall, albeit with a reduced number of episodes in the season. But the miracle did not happen.

At the same time, the delay enables the screenwriters of the series to discuss how they will respond to #BlackLiveSMATTER movement. The task is not easy - it is necessary to make a funny show about the police, but at the same time condemn the police as an institution with rooted patterns of systemic racism. Earlier Showranner of the series Daniel Gur rejected created for the eighth season of the scenario, as they did not reflect the theme of racist sentiment and arbitrariness of the police.

The star of the series Andre Brogger the other day in an interview with Entertainment Weekly said that the series should destroy the myth, as if the police could violate the law with impunity.

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