From "Sorvigolov" to "stay alive": 10 shows in which the first season was the best


There are serials that are held from the season to the season on the same level, there are those who get better with each season, but there are also those whose vertex has become the first season, and then the quality rolled down. The journalists of the Gizmodo portal made up the top 10 series with the fine first season and weak continuations. They indicate that the reasons for such a phenomenon may be different. Sometimes Showranner fails the lack of plan, sometimes the series is not able to match the hype raised around it, and in one case it happened due to uncontrolled events creators.


In order to get into the list, the series must match two conditions. It should have at least three seasons, and he had to get high ratings of the first season. Thus, the series "Dead to demand" and "enchanted" there was no chance to break into this top. The first went out only two seasons, and the second and in the first season did not shine quality.

In the first place there was a series "Stay alive." The first season was incredible. He introduced the audience with the characters of the series and made a riddles. But the more the creators told about the island, especially this island became boring. Producer Damon Lindelof confessed that the series was planned to complete much earlier, but the management of the ABC channel required it to new seasons.

"Once in a fairy tale" and "Wild West World" - examples of the serials that knew how to start, but did not know where to go. Therefore, the first seasons, acquainting viewers with the world and heroes, turned out to be the best.

On the ground from 3 to 10: "True Blood", "Heroes", "Sorvigolov", "Twin Pix", "Dark Child", "Major Story", "The Walking Dead".

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