Serials "Society" and "I don't like it" will not be the second seasons


Coronavirus pandemic continues to interfere with film industry plans. The Netflix service had to abandon the second seasons of the series "Society" and "I don't like it." The extension of the series "Society" was reported last summer. Shooting should have started in September. Netflix had to abandon the project due to the fact that the budget continued to grow due to downtime, and the chances of collecting all the actors of the series in the conditions of the pandemic are very much estimated. For the series "I don't like it", the scenarios of all episodes of the second season were written, and the creators were preparing to start shooting. The NetFlix application states:

We have taken a difficult decision to abandon the second seasons of the series. We are upset that they are forced to take this decision due to the circumstances created by coronavirus. And we are grateful to all the creators of the serials "Society" and "I don't like it", which tirelessly worked on creating these shows.

The series "Society" is described as a modern look at the "Muh Lord". A group of adolescents is in copies of their hometown without adults. The struggle for power over time goes to violence.

The series "I don't like it" shot based on the Comics of the Charles Forceman of the same name and talks about Sydney's high school students, who is trying to cope with problems in school and family, waking up sexuality and strange supercopiness.

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