Tom Ellis spoke about the difficulties on the shooting "Lucifer": "I felt that I deceive my colleagues"


The long-awaited fifth season "Lucifer" will not immediately give the fans to the meeting with the king of hell. First, Chloj Decker (Lauren Jerman) and other Friends of Morningstar will visit Mikhail - the evil twin brother of the main character, which was removed from his life. Play two people right away - the task is not easy, and in a recent interview with the backstage edition, Tov, the Ellis told how he coped with the difficulties of creating a new way and to what tricks resorted.

Tom Ellis spoke about the difficulties on the shooting

It is curious that not the slightest changes in the appearance of the actor will not, and this, however, is logical. To fool close brothers, Mikhail should look exactly like him, but above the peculiarities of behavior that will help the audience to understand who in front of them, Ellis had to work great. However, the actor himself said that he was only a joy.

Tom Ellis spoke about the difficulties on the shooting

Tom noticed that the embodiment of a new image was a real challenge for him, because in five years he was so accustomed to his character that certain changes in his behavior literally "arranged a small mess in his head." In addition, the actor constantly "felt that he was deceiving friends and colleagues," and it added difficulties, but in general, he liked the way in the way Mikhail. Ellis added that for the plausible reincarnation in the new character, he had to "recall the lessons of the old school" and it was they who helped at work on physiology, voice and gait Mikhail.

The first part of the fifth season "Lucifer" goes to Netflix already on August 21.

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