One of the jokes cost the creators of the "Office" of 60,000 dollars


For nine seasons, the TV series "Office" that only neither ridiculed, however, no one could think that some jokes will cost Showranners in a round sum. Not so long ago, the screenwriter Jen Selotta said that the use of a tiny passing song Eddie Mani Two Tickets to Paradise in the third season had to pay $ 60,000.

As the writer admitted, she could not think that the realization of his jokes would require such investments, and it turned out only after NBC died all moments with a singer.

I wrote the scene in which Michael says: "I have two tickets to paradise. Collect suitcases, depart the day after tomorrow. " And when the sound is cheated, it turned out that it cost $ 60,000,

- Selotta shared.

Also, the screenwriter added that in principle, he considers a good joke, but none of the pearls that she squeezed throughout his career was not worth such insane money. Plus, the series had a certain budget for the use of musical compositions, and due to the hero of Steve Carlla phrase, he was exhausted.

By the way, it was because of this Bi Jay Novaku had to negotiate with John Mayer about free use of his song Your Body Is a Wonderland. The musician at first from such a prospect was not delighted, but then still agreed.

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