Disney Studio forbade the Creator "Gravity Falls" to include LGBT characters


The last 16 series of the Mercer series "House owl" called Enchanting Grom Fright laid the beginning of the discussion on the presentation of LGBT characters in children's cartoons. In this series, it turns out that the hostility of the issue to the main heroine of the Luz, manifested in all previous series, is caused by the desire of a closer communication with it. As a result, Emily and Luz dance with each other on the ball. The creator of the series Dana Terras wrote on Twitter:

I'm bisexual! And I always wanted to create a bi-character, damn it! Fortunately, my perseverance paid off, now me highly Supports Disney Guide. Beautiful team.

Disney Studio forbade the Creator

This post commented on Alex Hirsch, the Creator "Gravity Falls":

When I did "Gravity Falls", disney banned To show me any explicit representatives of LGBT. But today, thanks to Dane Terraces, on Disney TV, there is clearly animated main characters with unconventional orientation. I'm so happy and proud of the "house owl".

After he also wrote a separate post on Twitter, where he posted a frame with the dancer and a badge with the signature:

In 2012, Disney censorship in this image would be like this: "Not suitable for the channel, correct, call back to discussion." Call back so that there is no paper trace left. Now, in 2020, censorship is silent. This time, disney, you coped well!

According to the LGBT community, Disney is an outsider in solving the issue of equal representation of sexual minorities in children's series. Other networks such as DreamWorks and Cartoon Networks are ahead of them.

Disney Studio forbade the Creator

The heroines of the House of Owl are 14-year-old students of the Magic School. The main heroes of "Graviti Falls" Diperu and Maber for 12 years.

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