Special edition of "Friends" again suffered


The start date of the extraction of the additional episode of the series "Friends", which was planned to decline to the launch of the HBO Max service in May of this year, so far and is not defined. At one time, the shooting was postponed indefinitely due to the coronavirus pandemic. The star of the series David Shvimmer in an interview with Entertainment Weekly spoke in July, which, although he does not have accurate information, but hopes that the series will be removed in August:

I will be happy to reach the scene again, see everyone and play with the same actors on the same set. But we will do it only when it becomes safe. Do not doubt that we want to make this episode, but you have to wait for a safe time.

Socially distanced flirting is IN!

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The situation with Coronavirus in California during the time passed after an interview with the Schwimer has changed significantly. And not for the better. There is a noticeable increase in the number of cases. Governor Gavin Newsas said:

We all have to soberly admit that COVID will not disappear until vaccine appears or effective therapy. However, the data suggests that not everyone is guided by common sense.

In such conditions, the film crew "Friends", which in common sense will not refuse when it comes to security issues, decided not to remove the episode in August, and wait when the situation changes to the better.

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