The creator of "Konya Bodjeka" told how the animated series was able to help people


The animated series "Horse Bodjack" ended at the beginning of this year after six seasons on the air, and the Creator of the show about the anthropomorphic horse, which is trying to cope with the internal problems and do not mind drink, shared an unexpected conclusion about how this story was able to help people.

In an interview with Gold Derby, Rafael Bob-Vaxberg said that the "horse Bodjack" became special work for him, since many fans admitted that the show gave them the opportunity to more openly talk about their feelings. Despite the general comedy orientation, it is enough to suffer from the main character, and how Bodjack copes with their problems, the audience has encouraged to solve contradictions in their own life.

I am really proud when I meet the fans that tell me that the show gave them the opportunity to tell about the experience, pick up the words for the fact that before it did not work in any way to express

- admitted a writer. He also noticed that he did not expect such an influence on fans, and therefore the result was valuable doubly.

Raphael stressed that the show helped to feel less lonely, suggested how to express certain feelings and realize that they were not alone through difficulties.

I am sincerely glad and I am very proud of it,

- added the creator of the "Konya Bodjek".

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