The series by The Last of US will improve history while retaining the original ideas.


Not so long ago it became known that the HBO channel will remove the multiserial screening of the Video Game of The Last of Us. Writer Craig Meisin and the developer of computer games Nile Dramann took up the project. The other day, Maizin gave an interview with BBC Radio 5, in which he told about how the creative process passes. According to Meysin, the creators already have a preliminary plan for the series, so it will soon reach a turn before writing a script. The authors will not directly copy the plot of the game, but try to deepen and diversify the original story:

Usually, in such cases, fans are afraid that the filmmakers are distorting the source material due to incompetence, making inappropriate changes. But our adaptation is done with the participation of a person who created the original. In this regard, our changes will be called upon to expand the original source, retaining its rod. We strive to ensure that televersion prompted you to fall in love with the Last of US. Let this time you will only spend the audience, and not players, but you will be able to plunge into this story deeper, because it will have more events and heroes.

The series by The Last of US will improve history while retaining the original ideas. 147096_1

Meisin also stressed that some ideas from which the developers of Video Games The Last of US for some reason were abandoned by the series.

Once the Nile shared with me one of his oldly unrealized idea. When he explained to me, what's the matter there, I was just shocked. I exclaimed in response: "It will definitely be in our series! Objections are not accepted! Only over my dead body!" So yes, this idea will now be embodied in the series, as well as many others. And I should note that the speech here is not about some sorting trifles, because we will come to the point very thoughtfully and seriously. New elements will be harmoniously inscribed in the existing plot. I think fans will have to taste.

In conclusion, Meisin said that the production of the series by The Last of US has not yet acquired a clear working schedule, so it's too early to say the date of the premiere.

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