We present the nominees to Oscar 2018: the best movie of the year


This year, in the nomination "The best film" on Oscara, nine pictures are submitted immediately. Here is the basic information about applicants:

Call me with your name

Cash colors: 26 million dollars

Interesting fact: Thanks to "calling me with their own name", 22-year-old Timothy Shalama entered the story as the third most young owner of the Nomination for Oscar in the category "Best Actor". The first at the age of 9 years in 1931 was Jackie Cooper, the second - 19-year-old Miki Rooney in 1939.

The film received 4 nominations for Oscar, as well as 61 more reward and 194 nomination, including:

3 nominations for the "Golden Globe" (but not a single victory), 3 nominations for the BAFTA Awards 2018 Award and one award - for the best adapted scenario, the nomination for the Sag Awards Sag Awards Guild Guild Prize Timothy Shalama for the best male role.

Dark times

Cash colors: 131 million dollars

The film received 6 nominations for Oscar, as well as 33 awards and 61 nomination, including:

Golden Globe Gary Oldman as a better actor; 7 nominations on BAFTA AWARDS 2018 and 2 figurines - for the best male role (Gary Oldman) and the best makeup; The award of the guild guilds of Gary Oldman for the best male role.


Cash colors: 525 million dollars (with a budget of 100)

Interesting fact: Dunkirk provided Christpler Nolana first in his career nomination for Oscar in the category "Best Director". Prior to that, Nolana had Oscar nominations in the categories "Best Scenario" ("Beginning", "Remember") and "The Best Movie", but, if it was not surprising, as director Christopher was not nominated for Oscar.

The film received 8 nominations for Oscar, as well as 38 awards and 182 nominations, including:

3 nominations for the Golden Globe (but, unfortunately, not a single victory), 7 nominations for the BAFTA Awards Awards 2018 and 1 statuette - for the best sound; Nomination of the guild of film actors for the best Cascader ensemble; Nomination Guild of the US Directories.


Cash colors: 255 million dollars (with a budget of 4.5)

The film received 4 nominations for Oscar, as well as 99 awards and 174 nominations, including:

2 nominations for the "Golden Globe", 2 nominations for the BAFTA Awards 2018 Award and the BAFTA Award "Rising Star" by the leading role of Daniel Kalua; 2 nominations for the award of the guild of film actors, the award of the guild of film director for the best directorial debut for Jordan Saw.

Lady Bird

Cash colors: 48 million dollars

Interesting fact: Thanks to the "Lady Berd", His Director Debut, Greta Hervig fell into an extremely elite "club" - considering Greta, only 5 women in the history of Oscar received a nomination for the award in the category "Best Director". The last time it was able to Catherine Bigelou with her "Lord of Storm" 8 years ago.

The film received 5 nominations for Oscar, as well as 83 awards and 182 nominations, including:

2 nominations for "Golden Globe" and two more figurines ("The best movie - comedy or musical" and "best actress - comedy or musical"), 3 nominations for the BAFTA Awards 2018 Award, 3 nominations for the Sag Awards Guild Prize 2018, nomination Guilds directors for Greta Greerig.

Ghostly thread

Cash colors: 27 million dollars

The film received 6 nominations for Oscar, as well as 33 awards and 90 nominations, including:

2 nominations for "Golden Globe", 3 nominations for the BAFTA Awards Awards 2018 and 1 Figurine for the best design of costumes.

Secret dossier

Cash colors: 134 million dollars (with a budget of 50)

Interesting fact: The "secret dossier" provided Meryl Strip a second in a row a nomination for Oscar - she received the previous year last year for Florence Foster Jenkins.

The film received 2 nominations for Oscar, as well as 13 more awards and 91 nomination, including:

6 nominations for the Golden Globe, including in the category "Best Film - Drama".

Water shape

Cash colors: 92 million dollars

Interesting fact: Guillermo del Toro shot 9 films before getting the first nomination for Oscar in his career as the best director for the "water shape".

The film received 13 nominations for Oscar, as well as 87 awards and 251 nomination, including:

5 nominations and 2 Golden Globe Prizes; 9 nominations and 3 BAFTA Awards 2018 premiums; 2 nominations of the Sag Awards 2018 Actors Guild, US Director Guild Guild Prize for Guillermo Del Toro, US Scripture Guild Nomination for the best original script.

Three billboards on the border of Ebbing, Missouri

Cash colors: 112 million dollars

The film received 7 nominations for Oscar, as well as 87 awards and 179 nominations, including:

2 nominations and 4 Golden Globe Prizes; 4 nominations and 5 premiums BAFTA AWARS 2018; US Actors Guild awards for the best male role of the second plan (Sam Rockwell), the best female role (Francis McDormand) and the best acting ensemble; Nomination Guild of the US Directories.

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