Follow the "Oscar" 2018 along with popcornnews!


Broadcast from a red walkway will begin at 01:00 Moscow time from Sunday (March 4) on Monday (March 5). The Oscar ceremony itself starts at 04:00 Moscow time from Sunday (March 4) on Monday (March 5).

Useful information about Oscar 2018:

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Oscar 2018: full list of nominees

We meet newbies: 8 stars who received their first nomination for Oscar in 2018

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James Franco, Army Hummer and Miracle Woman: Someone "Retired" with a nomination for Oscar 2018

Who will receive an Oscar 2018: betting bets and forecasts of the film asperts Awards to their colleagues during the Oscar ceremony 2018 will hand tens of stars - including famous actors and actresses like Maherchel Ali, Chadwick Bowzman, Viola Davis, Laura Dern, Jennifer Garner, Tom Holland, Margo Robbie, Emma Stone, Gadot, Mark Hamill, Army Hummer, Oscar Isak.

Oscar funny:

All the most funny memes from that ceremony when Leonardo Dicaprio received his "Oscar"

(and in the comments of memes no less than in the post itself)

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Award for the most "full-form" game and other alternative / comic categories "Oscar"

(we love Kristen Stewart and not we came up with these comic categories)

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"Convertogate", funny palms Nicole Kidman and other funny memes and tweets "Oscar" a year ago - 2017Sraza three actors this year received nominations again - after the "Oscar" fought in the past, 2017: this is Meryl Streep, Denzel Washington and Octavia Spencer. In addition, among the record holders - 88-year-old Christopher Plammer, which took the nomination for the role of the second plan in the Drama "All Money World" and turned out to be the oldest nominee in the entire history of the existence of Oscar.

Oscar nostalgic:

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Five minutes of nostalgia: how the stars looked on the red carpet "Oscar" 20 years ago

Drop Jennifer Lawrence, confused envelopes, naked man on stage and other confulas "Oscar"

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From Hugh Jackman to Daniel Radcliffe: I remember the best musical numbers in the history of Oscar 2018

Is there "Curse" Oscar "? 10 actors whose career went under the slope after victory

If you judge only by the number of nominations for Oscar, then the "secret dossier" with Tom Hanks and Meryl Strip - the worst movie Stephen Spielberg: he received only two nominations (one - for the "best actress" Meryl Streep, the second - as "best movie of the year "), so few nominations of the Spielberg picture did not receive even ever.

Interesting statistics and facts:

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7 actors who received Oscar for record little roles

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15 of the youngest nominees in the history of Oscar

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Actors with a record number of nominations for Oscar

Dunkirk became the only picture from 9 participants in the nomination "The best film" that did not receive any nomination for acting work. And "Logan: Wolverine" entered the story as the first film on comics, which was able to conquer the nomination for Oscar for the best scenario.

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From the "main instinct" to the "squid squad": 10 films nominated for Oscar and Golden Malina at the same time

Remember the recordrsmen: what films are the most "Oscars"

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