"Mary Poppins returns" will get Sicvel with Emily Blante


Mary Poppins returns "is a direct continuation of the first film of 1964. Reta Marshall's tape director told the Edition of Cinemablend that his film crew is already preparing for the development of a third film about the cult nanny: "We are now at an early stage, but I will say this: everything was eight books, so I have a lot of material." It should be noted that, at least a film and beat off its manufacturing budget, he earned only $ 260 million at $ 130 million. This fact and the fact that the picture at four nominations for the Golden Globe did not take any awards, in the case of any other film would be able to continue the question.

Nevertheless, Rob Marshall compared Mary Poppins with such franchises as "Star Wars" and "James Bond", implying that films about the beloved Nyan will come out for a long time. His position is clearly divided by foreign spectators, which by a majority of votes supported the creation of a sequel in the Cinemablend survey. Emily Blunt is also ready to fulfill the main role, so the next reassembly of Mary Poppins is only a matter of time.

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