Star "Deadpool" and "Wars of Infinity" Josh Brolin called Favorite MARVEL film


The 50-year-old actor gave a detailed interview and called his favorite film in the filmmaker Marvel. Like many stars and fans, Brolin chose a film from which everything began, "Iron Man." First of all, he gave tribute to the acting talent of the main star picture. "It worked perfectly. For me there is no better compliance with the actor character than Robert Downey ML as Tony Stark. He did an incredible job, and now someone can hardly imagine another actor who could embody this image on the screen. "


The Iron Man himself, according to Brolin, not only established a quality bar, but also became a "template" for all projects that came out after it. "So he has always been my favorite," the actor said.

Also in the top three favorite films Josh Brolin entered the "First Avenger: confrontation" and "Thor: Ragnarec". The third part of Captain America forced the actor to think about whom Steve Rogers actually is. And the film Thai Weiti was, according to Brolin, an excellent combination of humor, action and acting.

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