Fans of "fantastic creatures" demand to show the non-traditional orientation of Dumbledore in the movies


Nevertheless, fans fans insist that the creators of the paintings listen to their opinion and still showed the unconventional orientation of Dumbledore to the movies, as was originally and was conceived by Madame Rowling. The director responded to the delight of fans rather sluggish: "I believe that the film fans know that we will not focus on this attention. Yes, he had a very difficult relationship with Green de Waldom in his youth. They were in love with ideas and each other, "said Yets. One of the fans wrote in response that there were already two meaningless love stories in the "twars", it's time to return to the canon and demonstrate non-traditional relations of the main characters.

Fans of "fantastic creatures" were so angry after the careless statement by David Yets, which began to write insults and threats to the Joan Rowling itself on Twitter. On this writer, in his Twitter, reacted simply - wrote that for some time to appeal to his address in social networks would be ignored.

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