Photo: How men look today - Hollywood sex symbols of the 90s


Exhausted, exhausted Johnny Depp at all reminds itself to the previous one - what is there, almost frightened with its appearance.

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Casper Wang Dean - Brava Johnny Rico from the Star Asaant

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Brekin Meyer will sign on youth comedies and Romomoms of the nineties and the beginning of two thousandths - cult "stupid", "road adventure", "Kate and Leo".

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Antonio Banderas conquered the hearts of the spectators around the world with roles in the "desperate", "Interview with the Vampire" and "Zorro Mask", becoming one of the brightest sex symbols of the 90s.

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Someone discovered Alek Baldwin for himself in adulthood and comedy role ("Friends", Sitter "Studio 30"). In the eighties and at the beginning of the nineties Baldwin was a real handsome - the heated hearts.

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Brother Alek, William Baldwin, in the 90s, was also a handsome one where - but aged, unfortunately, not the best way.

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Antonio Sabato could become the second Antonio Banderas - but, unfortunately, the "breakthrough" role from the actor did not happen, and he would forever remain in the memory of the audience as a sultry Latin American handsome from the militants of the eighties and the serials of the nineties.

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Benjamin Bratt in the 90s specialized in the roles of "strong, strict, silent" police officers (including the "law and order"), flashed in Miss Congatoryness with Sandra Bullock, but then there was a "female cat" - and in The actor left the big screen to small finally.

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Brandan Fraser became the hostage of his own professionalism - not so long ago, the actor gave a whole series of interviews, in which he said, as a readiness to fulfill Cascader tricks, eventually resulted in a whole series of injuries, and almost cost him career.

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Chris O'Donnell - Robin Epoch of the 90s, after the short superhero career went to the series and settled in the Los Angeles Los-Right-Step project, where she is removed today.

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Yes, there were times when Bruce Willis was quite a sex symbol. His charm, however, Bruce did not lose until now.

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Christian Slatera appearance is quite specific, but first "True Love" in 1993, and then "Interview with Vampire" in 1994 made it one of the most popular actors of the 90s. Unlike many stars of that era, Slater is quite popular and successful actor today - now it can be seen in the TV series "Mr. Robot".

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Dermot Malluni due to the cult "wedding of the best friend" instantly acquired the image of a certain ideal boyfriend / groom, about which thousands of viewers all over the world dreamed. Unfortunately, the time affected the appearance of the actor not in the best way.

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If you call movies, personiform the nineties, then "hackers" and "on the needle" clearly fall into their number - so it's not surprising that it is with the ninety many in the first place and is associated with Johnny Lee Miller. The actor is quite in demand and today - is filmed in the series "elementary", and in 2017 appeared in the sequel "on the needle".

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Well, all the recognized sex symbols of the 90s, which in the view do not need and regularly appear in news headlines today and today:

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