New "Pirates of the Caribbean" - now without Johnny Depp


It is reported that they must write a script for restarting. In addition to "Deadpool", the scenarios worked on Treszov Horror "Welcome to Zombilend", as well as over the fantastic film "Live".

Jerry Brookhaymer, the producer of the original series, will work on the franchise and now. Will there be actors from the original in the film, while it is unknown.

However, it is already known that there will be no stars of past pictures in restarting - Johnny Depp, who played Captain Jack Sparrow in all past films. It is believed that now the actor does not correspond to the image of the studio disney.

Already in 2017, rumors appeared that the hero will be sent to rest. "Previously, people watched movies due to the fact that Johnny Depp starred there. But now it is not the person who is able to attract the audience, "such phrases sound from insiders.

Franchise appeared back in 2003, and all 5 films managed to collect more than 4 billion dollars.

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