Fan theory: Hulk was a scroll after the movie "Tor: Ragnaret"


Fans claim that in fact Hulk is a scrolling. Here it is necessary to make an explanation for those who are not so immersed in the MCU. Scrulls are a reasonable aliens, which can change its appearance. In the original, they are humanoid reptiles with sharp ears, cringed chin and red / green eyes. Scrulls will become antagonists in the film "Captain Marvel", which will be released in March 2019.

The first argument in support of the theory: Bruce Benner shows too selective memory after "Ragnarec". After that, he loses Tanos, because he really never possessed the power of Hulk, and the scrolling just pretended to them. He recognizes a lot of useful information in order to invade the ground later, communicates with the Avengers, spends some time in Halkbaster in order to study. One of the supporters of this theory writes that the scrolls captured the Hulk to the events of "Ragnarec", and one of them after went to the ground under the guigament. MARVEL films fans expect a randering waiting for them in the "captain Marvel".

Kevin Faigi and studio representatives this theory is so far, of course, do not comment.

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