Full plot "Deadpool 2" merged into the network


The start of the film is unfolded in the post-apocalyptic future - we are shown by Keibla, which penetrates the government object to steal the device for moving in time. Using this device, Cable is sent to the past to kill the mutant, which one day will destroy his family. As usual, something goes wrong, and the device breaks, leaving Cable the opportunity to make a jump in time only one, the last time. Thus, Keabla remains one, the only way to return back to its future after he fulfill his intended.

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Already in our time in New York, there is a shootout with the participation of Deadpool and his enemies, in which Vanessa dies (Morany Bakkarin - now it is clear why the audience with test show complained that Vanessas stupidly "merged"). Colossus (Stefan Kalikich) and a supersonic warhead (Brianna Hildebradd) comfort him and invite him to join the people of X. Threesome they go to the mission to save a mutant boy to grow Collins, which has the ability to pyroquinsone. Dadpool should pull the boy from the shelter, where he is tortured, but as a result, he himself, and grow in prison for mutants. Their abilities are suppressed by special collars, so it is impossible to escape from prison - so that Deadpool and grow unwitting come closer.

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Unexpected assistance comes from Cabela, who penetrates the prison to kill grow - it turns out that in the future the boy will grow and become a criminal, whose victims will be hundreds of innocent people, including the Keibla family. In the turmoil caused by the attack of Keibla to prison, Deadpool escapes, leaving growing to the arbitrary of fate. However, then in mercenary wakes up conscience, so he collects a full-fledged team so that they still save to grow, which is transported to another prison. The team includes Domino (Zazi Bitz), Prodigi (Terry Cruit), Tsaytgayst (Bill Scarsgard) and Shatterstar (Luis Tran).

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The mission begins unsuccessfully - the prejudge, Zaytgayst and Shatterstar immediately die, and only Dadpool and Domino are fighting with Cablom. Growing in this turmoil escapes, and, confident that Deadpool threw him on the mercy of fate, is going to take revenge on his torch and destroy the shelter. In this he is going to help another prisoner - Jaggernaut.

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Cable alone can confront Jaggernut, so it is reluctant to unite with Dadpool and Domino - although it is still going to kill grow and even declares that the destruction of the shelter and becomes the "starting point" to turn into a criminal. Deadpool, however, is optimistically confident that the future can be changed. Threesome heroes, too, can not really confront Jaggernut, who almost kills them, but at the last moment a colossus and a supersonic warhead come to the rescue.

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Dadpool takes another attempt to enjoy growing - and even is ready to sacrifice: he puts on a collar, neutralizing abilities, and suggests growing to kill him to prove that he is really evil. Grow fluctuates, but here the Cable interferes with the situation, which shoots in growing. Dadpool overshadows the boy and dies, and this victim makes growing to wait - as a result, the future changes.

Cable uses his last opportunity to move in time to fix the dedicated and save Deadpool. He returns a few hours ago in the past, makes Dadpool put on a token from Vanessa - and when Deadpool overshadows himself to grow, the bullet gets into a token and Deadpool stays alive. At the end, grow to school mutants of Professor Xavier, and Cable, "stuck" in the past, goes to look for his place in the world.

In the post-type scene, we show that the supersonic warhead reinforces the device for traveling in time, and Dadpool uses it twice: for the first time - to save Vanessa, in the second - to kill his copy from the film "X-People: Beginning. Wolverine "and Ryan Reynolds before he signed a contract for shooting in the" Green Lonar ".

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Recall that the premiere of "Deadpool 2" in cinemas is scheduled for May 17, 2018.

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