Full description of the plot "Avengers: the war of infinity" with spoilers merged into the network


Original description in English can be found on 4chan at this link.

"The Avengers: War of Infinity" begin with Flashbek - we show us how the Tanos's native planet, Titan, destroys the casket with the help of the Stone of Power (the audience and the audience are already familiar - to this race belonged to the ego that we were shown in the "Galaxy Guards 2").

Already in this Tanos, with the help of the same stone, the Power destroys the Planet Xandar (there is a Nova Corpus - again from the "Guardians of the Galaxy").

Next is the scene, the beginning of which we have already seen in the "Thor: Ragnaret" - Tanos attacks the ship's ship, kills most of the Asgardians, including Loki, and sees the Kosmos stone (Tessherakt, who Loky took the same from the station's repository). Hulk eludes through the portal, and the torus remains driving in open space.

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Hulk "landing" through the portal in the Sanctum sanctum of Dr. Strange (this moment was shown to us in the first trailer), and already as Bruce Benner warns Strange and Wong about the upcoming invasion of Tanos.

Another thing that we have already seen thanks to the trailers - the torus faces the ship of the Guardians of the Galaxy, meets them, and the team shares: Star Lord, Gamora, Draks and Mantis go to Zrimogde to the collector to find a stone of reality, and torrent and Raccoon - to the cosmic blacksmith to the dwarfs to get a new weapon for the Torah.

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Meanwhile, Tony Stark arrives in New York and meets with Benner, Dr. Strendjm and Wong, but suddenly - and this is another moment from the trailer - the ship of the Tanos's servants who arrived at the time of time (he, we will remind, is at Strange), attacks Manhattan . Benner cannot turn into Hulk, but fortunately, a spiderman comes to the rescue, and the Tanos Army retreats. Wong remains in New York to protect sanctum sanctuators.

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Tanos appears on a sign to take possession of a reality stone, kills a collector, and then faces the guards of the galaxy, as a result of which Gamora meets nebula again, and then the team can be stealing from the Tanos of a reality stone and escape.

Tore, Raccoon and Glow arrive at the cosmic blacksmith and get a new weapon for Torah - Ax luri, and at the same time trying to convince the gnomes to join them in battle with Tanos, but unsuccessfully. It turns out that it is precisely the gnomes forged a glove of the infinity of Tanos, and at the same time the fact that in fact Tanos is just trying to protect people - but it makes it wrong. The clarification of the truth is interrupted by the appearance of the Tanos Army, the large-scale battle is unfolded, but the Torah, the raccoon and the genus succeeds, and the forge remains in the ruins.

Tony collects Avengers, including a falconian eyes and a warriol, and calls Steve Rogers, next to which a black widow and falcon. They agree to meet with Tony in Vacan.

In Europe, Vizhn and Wanda attack the Feds of Tansos - a black Order, but they are Steve, Natasha and Sam. Together, they manage to respond with a black order, but VIZHN is very wounded, and Wanda decides also to go to the vacanut to cure Vizhn and hide him from the Feds of Tanos.

Full description of the plot

The torus flew to the ground together with the guards on their ship, Milano, and the Avengers first meet with the guards. Both teams - as well as the Fury and Maria Hill, who joined them, and Maria Hill - on Haylyerrier go to the Vacananda. In Vacanand Tony, Steve, all superheroes and black panther discuss everything they managed to find out about the stones of infinity.

Tanos and his army attack the vacancies. Guards and Avengers manage to press the army of Tanos, Bruce finally managed to turn into a hulka again, and superheroes kill the remaining members of the Black Order, but VIZHN dies in this battle.

Full description of the plot

Now the Avengers have a stone stone, a stone of reality and a rock stone, while Tanos is a stone of power and a stone of the cosmos. Gamora from the past Tanos of his people understands that the soul stone is most likely located in Titan. Gamora, the rest of the team of the Guardians of the Galaxy, the Iron Man, Dr. Strøndj and Spiderman on Milano go on Titan and take the infinity stones with them, so that Tanos does not attack the vacancies again.

Full description of the plot

The heroes arrive at Titan and start looking for a stone of the soul, but suddenly Tanos teleports to them and explains that in fact he knew perfectly all this time that the soul stone was located in Titan, and simply waited for the heroes. Tanos alone beats superheroes, kills nebula, takes all the stones of infinity and makes it clear that the soul stone is not in Titan - the soul stone is Titan. As a result, Tamos rushes the stone of the soul from the heart of the planet, fills the entire glove of infinity, looks at the defeated heroes, then laughs - and clicks his fingers.

the end

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