Bondiana producer promised that James Bond will never make a woman


She stated that some things in the franchise should remain unchanged, it concerns the gender of the chief hero. "Bond is a male character. He was originally described as a man, and he will remain. I think it's good. We are not obliged to turn male characters in women, "she says. At the same time, it is still unknown, who will take the place of Bond after the departure of Daniel. For Craig, a new picture, which is scheduled for the exit in 2020, will be the last, where it will try on the role of the agent 007.

Even the Star of "Secret Materials" Gillian Anderson at one time hinted that he was not against trying the role of "Jane Bond"

Recall that recently in Hollywood the practice of choosing women to the main roles instead of men is becoming more common. The new season has started the new season "Doctor Who", where a major role was played by a woman for the first time in a few decades. Critics reacted to the new episodes positively, and the audience of the premiere of the "Doctor Who" with Jody Whitaker set a record over the past 10 years.

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