Madonna's concert in London failed due to the curfew


The crowd of Madonna fans left the concert, not even waiting for the end of the show, calling it the "worst performance of all time." Perhaps the wines of the entire Commandant hour, prohibiting the noise in the park, where the concert was held, after half the eleventh in the evening. The singer had to start his speech by early in the evening, and the fans simply could not leave all their affairs so early to see their idol. Due to the ban on noise the other day, the performance of Paul McCartney and Bruce Springstina was unceremoniously interrupted. "When Madonna undresses on stage in her 50, you realize that her career dies," said one of the old fans of the singer's creativity. Even striptease on stage was unable to please the public disappointed by terrible weather, poor sound quality and singer's refusal to perform their classic hits. In addition, Madonna in the midst of the concert shouted into the crowd: "I love Poland!" If it was a joke, she did not meet the warm audience reception. The singer, as he could have tried to impress the public. She even brought her 11-year-old son Rocco to dance with her on stage. But it did not keep the audience leaving the concert.

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