Scary rumor: Marvel will make Deadpool acceptable for children


Since Marvel has received the rights to "X-people", Dadpool fans are mixed feelings. On the one hand, it is interesting to see how Waid Wilson (Ryan Reynolds) intersects with Avengers or Spider Man. But, on the other hand, there is a risk that the character has to follow the language to fit into the overall concept of a film-oriented family viewing.

From those who are somehow connected with the talkative mercenary, a variety of comments about the softening of the rating were received, but still there was hope that Deadpool will continue to reflux with black humor and felt without restrictions. However, on the eve of the insider Grace Randolph reported truly shocking news.

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According to her, with the tricvel "Deadpool" not everything smoothly, and the creator of the character Rob Laifeld even criticized Marvel for how she treats the hero. It is worth mentioning and Ryan himself, who, judging by his latest comments on this topic, has no idea what the studio is in relation to Dadpool.

As Randolph said, fans should not count on the fact that the continuation of the adventures of the mercenary will be able to see earlier than 2023. In this case, the insider believes that Wade may appear before this period, becoming part of other Marvel projects. And just here the trap lies: these kameo, apparently, can turn it into a character with a softer rating, and then the same rating will receive "Dadpool 3".

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In the past, Fayigs said that he would not like to change something against Deadpool after his accession to the total film marvel, but this issue could be solved at a higher level. Nevertheless, it is clear that the fans expect to continue to see the hero as everyone fell in love.

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