Nominants of National British Cinema


The film "Twilight. Saga. New Moon" is presented in the nomination "Best Fantastic Film". In this category, Avatar, Alice in Wonderland and the Battle of Titans also claim to the award. "New Moon" can also become a "breakthrough of the year." Main roles in the film Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner are presented in the category "Best Actor / Actress". The third film from the Twilight series. Saga. Eclipse, not yet released on the screens, can get a prize as "the most anticipated summer film."

In the nomination "Thriller / Action of the Year" for the competition of the award, the paintings "Inchlastic bastards", "Pipetz", "Sherlock Holmes", "Island of the damned", "2012" are nominated. In the category "Best Film for Family View" are represented "up", "Christmas history", "Alvin and Chipmunks 2", "Harry Potter and Prince-Half-Blood", as well as "my terrible nanny".

National Movie Awards is handed over since 2007. Winners in each nomination choose viewers. In Britain's cinemas, they fill special ballots for voting. In addition, you can vote for your favorite movie on the premium website. The award ceremony will be held on May 26 in the Royal Festival Hall London.

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