"Sherlock Holmes 2" Be!


According to the couple, they began work on the script of the picture shortly before the premiere of the first film - in December last year - and continue to write it so far. The spouses admitted that the possibility of working on history about the legendary detective is exceptional for them, because they themselves rose on the books of Conan Doyle. Malluni added that they never fit into the film budget and the studio always asks them to cut the script so that the costs were $ 30-50 million less.

As for personnel permutations in the picture, how the scenarios reports, you can not worry about the director - the same Guy Richie will be removed, the main roles will be performed by Robert Downey ML. And Jude Low, but participating in the project Brad Pitt in question. It is rumored that the actor can play Professor Moriarty. Pitt's name with this hero was associated long before the release of the first part of the picture. After a few false reports that Brad will be shot in the film, information appeared that the actor still discusses the possibility of his participation in this project, but the final decision was not yet accepted.

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