"Spanish shame": Anastasia Rachetov was condemned for "advertising from the state"


Anastasia Rytovova posted a photo in Instagram close-up, demonstrating the impeccable smoothness of the skin, high forehead, high-quality makeup and thoughtful look.

The star was accompanied by a beauty-friendly explanation on the financial topic, which left most of the stars fans in bewilderment and caused their negative reaction.

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The former spouse Timati said that as a beauty entrepreneur is forced to follow politics, macroeconomic indicators and new financial instruments.

Anastasia referred to an anonymous forecast about the imminent and sharp drop in the ruble rate regarding the dollar and the euro - to the values ​​of 80 and 92 for $ and €, respectively. It is worth noting that the European currency is already on the day of the forecast cost 92 rubles, the dollar fluctuated about 75.

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Racettova suggested that the Russian cryptocurrency promoted by PJSC Sberbank, and a digital ruble, will be a strategic means of exiting the crisis.

Anastasia wrote that "Sberchkin will help our country to withstand external blows and ensures the stability of the economy,", but underwent a sharp criticism of Follovover: "You should filter advertising proposals", "Spanish shame of some kind of advertising from the state", "Sberkaya is not unknown when It will be "," Cryptovalyuta is generally not connected with the stability of the economy, "" Why your subscribers this information? ".

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