The star of the "Guardians of the Galaxy" Zoe Saldan admitted that Mom constantly confuses her with another actress


On this Tuesday, Zoe Siddan became a guest at the James Cordon show and told the funny and sad story at the same time that her mother constantly confuses her with the star of the Wild West World. Teni Newton. "She somehow told me that my show goes on the HBO channel. When I asked about what the series she says, Mom answered: "Wild West World!" I could not calm down and everything asked: "When will you finally understand that I am not Tandy Newton?" But she is still sure that this is me in this show "- a star admitted with a laugh.

The star of the

The star of the

The star of the

The star of the

It all started in 2004, when Zoe's mother thought it was her daughter in a car car accident. And many years later, Saldan met Tenndi at the Golden Globe awards awards ceremony: "I scared it a little, because without warning invaded her personal space and exclaimed:" Oh, God! Tell me, you are constantly confused with me. ". And she asked it only who I am. But now we often rewrite. We are friends. You can say almost sisters, "the star concluded.

The star of the

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